By Choirul Mahfud, Surabaya | Sat, 01/10/2009 10:19 AM | Opinion
The rampant ethnic and religious tension in Indonesia has frustrated the efforts of many social scientists, educators, scholars, Civil Society Organization (CSO) activists and community leaders for the past few years. There were indications of gains in the country's struggle for democracy. But the continuing ethnic and religious violence and unrest in some parts of the country show how prevailing and intransigent the problem of prejudice and discrimination has been. At a time when demographic changes and economic pressures are forcing people to come into contact with those from different backgrounds, feelings of distrust and alienation are rising.
While schools and educators cannot change economic growth and the constraints affecting factors of many of those human problems, they can make a difference in helping shape the students' views of the world, respect for diversity and strengthening democracy.
During the last few decades, multicultural studies have enabled scholars and practitioners to see in all areas "the invisible paradigms" of the academic system and the larger cultural context that marginalize or trivialize the lives of women, ethnic minorities and those outside the dominant class or culture.
In Indonesia, the heavy pressure toward integration and national unity since its independence provided a different setting for the role of multiculturalism. The nation's collective memory had been traumatized by the tension and violence resulting from various attempts at secession based on ideological, regional, cultural, as well as territorial differences and the efforts to terminate those attempts.
Yet, by the national motto of Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity) in Pancasila, the emphasis on unity should not neglect diversity. Education that stressed only unity above all would produce narrow-mindedness and uproot individuals out of their indigenous heritage.
For the same periods, education in Indonesia had discussed a little about how we appreciate and respect the religious or belief diversity and variety of cultural wealth. There was a tendency of homogenization introduced systematically through the education under the national cultural protection, the hegemony of Javanese culture as a center and others as the edge and pauperization of culture by shortening the variety of cultural identity into a number of Indonesian provinces.
In 1999, Anita Lie said the process of homogenization and the cultural hegemony and pauperization was taught in civic education, such as education of Pancasila and citizenship, national history and struggle, training of P4 (guidance for internalization and externalization of Pancasila) -- and even religious education.
The recent tension and violence in different parts of the country showed that the excessive drive for unity that had been enforced especially for the past 30 years was not an effective response to the risk and fear of disintegration. Now that the nation is at a crossroad as a reform movement has started, ethnic, religious, racial and class differences should be regarded as the nation's rich heritage.
Within this perspective, multicultural education is needed to foster peace, understanding and respect among all members of society. As we know, the perspectives in multicultural education encompass many dimensions of human difference: race, ethnicity, occupation, socioeconomic status, age, gender, sexual orientation, various physical traits and needs, religion, and culture.
One of the multicultural education premises states that teaching learning is a cultural process in a social context. In order for teaching and learning to be accessible and fair for various background and origins of students, cultures need to be clearly understood. Such understanding can be achieved by analyzing education from various cultural perspectives by which it can avoid the hegemony of dominant cultural experience.
School is an epitome of society. In the norms of procedure, attitudinal code, structural order, power distribution, special feature and responsibility, school reflects society's cultural values. Classroom teachers, school administrators and policy makers bring their own experience and cultural perspective and influence the policy and education actions.
In addition, the students who come from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds are unavoidable to bring them, too. The various different cultural systems meet in school and classroom and can cause a cultural conflict, which can only be mediated and reconciled by the effectiveness of the instructional process that enlightens and opens the awkward, diluted cultural boundaries.
In 1987, Ramsey said multicultural education was not a set curriculum but a perspective that was reflected in all decisions about every phase and aspect of teaching. It is a lens through which teachers can scrutinize their choices in order to clarify what social information they are conveying overtly and covertly to their students.
In other words, educators should be aware of and responsible for the underlying goals and values of the curriculum designs, materials and activities they deliver to the students. Education occurs in a sociocultural context and all curriculum materials and practices reflect certain social values.
Shortly, in light of the need to foster peace and development, educators should recognize the underlying goals and values of the curriculum designs, materials and activities they deliver to the students. All curriculum materials and practices reflect certain social values.
As the curriculum processes still depend mainly on textbooks, educators should therefore ensure that the books they use in their classrooms be culturally sensitive and respect students' varied sociocultural backgrounds, which affect their learning.
In this context, teachers should be aware of the growing diversity in schools and the implication of using a certain set of curricular materials in their classrooms. Social scientists and commentators often point out the rich blend of cultural differences found in Indonesian society. While these observers have a point, it is equally true that diversity is difficult ... especially in schools.
However, as Aristotle saw it, the challenge of ethnicity (or multiculturalism), is one of augmenting familial love, expanding the natural links to one's own "kind," so that these links also include others who are more distantly related, rather than doing away with the initial links and bonds as such.
The writer is the author of book of Multicultural Education (Pustaka Pelajar Jogja, 2008), and a lecturer at Muhammadiyah University in Surabaya.
Lembaga Kajian Agama & Sosial (LKAS)
Institute for Religion and Social Studies (IRSS) at Surabaya (Multikultural-Transformatif, Mencerahkan-Inklusif dan Progresif-Membebaskan) Address: Jl. Sumber Mulyo V/15 A, Bubutan, Surabaya, Indonesia. Mobile-Phone: 085655123861, email: Website:
Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
Rising radicalism, fundamentalism: To which zeitgeist do we belong?
By Setiono Sugiharto , Jakarta | Tue, 01/13/2009 10:58 AM | Opinion
For an analysis to show scientific rigor and hence credibility in its exposition, it must at least satisfy the following requirements: Statement of the problem, data, methodology and interpretation.
Nurrohman’s article (“NU, Muhammadiyah have failed to promote pluralism at grassroots”) published by The Jakarta Post last month meets these requirements and his analysis is worth reading.
With an implicit problem formulation, the article presented primary data collected by means
of a survey and stated its methodology in terms of the respondents’ demographic information. In addition, a brief interpretation was given.
As a rule of science, it is sufficient to draw and arrive at a relatively valid conclusion: Both radicalism and religious intolerance indeed exist and are no longer a myth.
However, for the sake of comprehensiveness, the interpretation drawn from the survey needs more elaboration.
Consistent with the previous surveys which revealed the Islamic teachers’ stance against
pluralism, Nurrohman’ survey -- with the pesantren leaders as its respondents -- confirmed the same stance, all of which serve as a caveat for the rise of radicalism in the country.
In a country which claims to value differences and to respect pluralism, hearing the news
that extremism is rising is really mind-boggling.
However, if this is the reality we are now facing, we are left with a reflective question: To which cultural zeitgeist do we belong? Do we adhere to modernism, which views truth as absolute and knowledge as certain, and values the notions of rationality, universality and optimism?
Or, are we in favor of modernism’s alter ego -- postmodernism -- which sees truth and knowledge as something relative and stable and epitomizes pessimism, indifference, irrationality and fragmentation?
Or, do we belong to an amalgam of the notions of these two opposing zeitgeists?
It seems we place ourselves somewhere between these two extremes, taking some of their notions as our credos.
The growing concern of radicalism -- which often uses one’s religious faith as the sole justification against those who do not share the same faith -- reflects both modernism and postmodernism dogmas.
Those who rejected pluralism and tolerant attitudes toward different religions see faith as an irrational belief formation.
The imposition of one’s religious beliefs on others and the banning of certain sects to disseminate religious doctrines via violent acts are just a few examples of how faith blinds rationality.
It is common to hear religious people admit that their faith is irrational; they hold that their beliefs constituting their faith contain absolute truth.
This is reminiscent of the philosophy of Tertullian (ca. 160-ca.220 AD), an early Church Father, whose doctrinal teaching Credo quia absurdum (I believe because it is absurd) is well-known in the philosophy of religion.
This doctrine further claims that if faith provides eternal salvation for everyone, we should not worry much about rationality.
In other words, holding firmly to one’s faith by means of showing intolerance and violently banning other contesting doctrines deemed “heretical” is necessarily justified even without rational accounts.
This probably explains why radical groups such as the Islamic Defender Front (FPI) are able to justify their brutal acts against what they consider irreverent and blasphemous.
This doctrine also helps explain why the Bali-bomber trio (Imam Samudra, Amrozi Nurhaqim and Ali Ghufron) showed no remorse after taking Australian lives -- whom they considered kafir (infidel) -- and then were willing to die as “martyrs” when they begged the state to behead them instead of facing the firing squad.
The recent brouhaha over the imminent issuance of fatwa (edict) by the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) barring the practice of yoga is another case in point.
To those issuing this fatwa, rational justification is not mandatory. Support of evidence is not required to lay a claim. They deem it sufficient to accuse that yoga practice can erode the faith of many Muslims -- nothing else.
With faith seen as an irrational belief formation, it is then understandable why most of Nurrohman’s respondents oppose pluralism -- and hence progress -- and consent to intolerant attitudes against different faiths.
Despite the fact that many religious people see faith as an irrational belief formation, there are those who don’t react the same way to such a tenet.
For these people, rationality and faith are seen as mutually- reinforcing, cooperative and complementary, rather than antagonistic.
They regard rationality as something enlightening that can lead to faith. No wonder that they always seek a rational basis for every controversial religious edict issued by the authorities.
This is done not to disparage faith over rationality, but rather to find enlightenment.
To some extent, rational justification is believed to provide ways to know the truth of faith.
These two differing camps are comprised of people who emulate a cultural movement of both modernism and postmodernism.
This shows that the spirit of the times in our political, intellectual and cultural climate is not predominantly influenced by the sole postmodernism dogma, which many believe is the rescuer of the complexity of problems we are facing in this era.
Indeed, modernism’s tenets still prevail, shaping our ways of thinking, our ways of seeing things and our ways of creating policy.
The writer is chief-editor of Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and teaches English composition at Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta.
For an analysis to show scientific rigor and hence credibility in its exposition, it must at least satisfy the following requirements: Statement of the problem, data, methodology and interpretation.
Nurrohman’s article (“NU, Muhammadiyah have failed to promote pluralism at grassroots”) published by The Jakarta Post last month meets these requirements and his analysis is worth reading.
With an implicit problem formulation, the article presented primary data collected by means
of a survey and stated its methodology in terms of the respondents’ demographic information. In addition, a brief interpretation was given.
As a rule of science, it is sufficient to draw and arrive at a relatively valid conclusion: Both radicalism and religious intolerance indeed exist and are no longer a myth.
However, for the sake of comprehensiveness, the interpretation drawn from the survey needs more elaboration.
Consistent with the previous surveys which revealed the Islamic teachers’ stance against
pluralism, Nurrohman’ survey -- with the pesantren leaders as its respondents -- confirmed the same stance, all of which serve as a caveat for the rise of radicalism in the country.
In a country which claims to value differences and to respect pluralism, hearing the news
that extremism is rising is really mind-boggling.
However, if this is the reality we are now facing, we are left with a reflective question: To which cultural zeitgeist do we belong? Do we adhere to modernism, which views truth as absolute and knowledge as certain, and values the notions of rationality, universality and optimism?
Or, are we in favor of modernism’s alter ego -- postmodernism -- which sees truth and knowledge as something relative and stable and epitomizes pessimism, indifference, irrationality and fragmentation?
Or, do we belong to an amalgam of the notions of these two opposing zeitgeists?
It seems we place ourselves somewhere between these two extremes, taking some of their notions as our credos.
The growing concern of radicalism -- which often uses one’s religious faith as the sole justification against those who do not share the same faith -- reflects both modernism and postmodernism dogmas.
Those who rejected pluralism and tolerant attitudes toward different religions see faith as an irrational belief formation.
The imposition of one’s religious beliefs on others and the banning of certain sects to disseminate religious doctrines via violent acts are just a few examples of how faith blinds rationality.
It is common to hear religious people admit that their faith is irrational; they hold that their beliefs constituting their faith contain absolute truth.
This is reminiscent of the philosophy of Tertullian (ca. 160-ca.220 AD), an early Church Father, whose doctrinal teaching Credo quia absurdum (I believe because it is absurd) is well-known in the philosophy of religion.
This doctrine further claims that if faith provides eternal salvation for everyone, we should not worry much about rationality.
In other words, holding firmly to one’s faith by means of showing intolerance and violently banning other contesting doctrines deemed “heretical” is necessarily justified even without rational accounts.
This probably explains why radical groups such as the Islamic Defender Front (FPI) are able to justify their brutal acts against what they consider irreverent and blasphemous.
This doctrine also helps explain why the Bali-bomber trio (Imam Samudra, Amrozi Nurhaqim and Ali Ghufron) showed no remorse after taking Australian lives -- whom they considered kafir (infidel) -- and then were willing to die as “martyrs” when they begged the state to behead them instead of facing the firing squad.
The recent brouhaha over the imminent issuance of fatwa (edict) by the Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) barring the practice of yoga is another case in point.
To those issuing this fatwa, rational justification is not mandatory. Support of evidence is not required to lay a claim. They deem it sufficient to accuse that yoga practice can erode the faith of many Muslims -- nothing else.
With faith seen as an irrational belief formation, it is then understandable why most of Nurrohman’s respondents oppose pluralism -- and hence progress -- and consent to intolerant attitudes against different faiths.
Despite the fact that many religious people see faith as an irrational belief formation, there are those who don’t react the same way to such a tenet.
For these people, rationality and faith are seen as mutually- reinforcing, cooperative and complementary, rather than antagonistic.
They regard rationality as something enlightening that can lead to faith. No wonder that they always seek a rational basis for every controversial religious edict issued by the authorities.
This is done not to disparage faith over rationality, but rather to find enlightenment.
To some extent, rational justification is believed to provide ways to know the truth of faith.
These two differing camps are comprised of people who emulate a cultural movement of both modernism and postmodernism.
This shows that the spirit of the times in our political, intellectual and cultural climate is not predominantly influenced by the sole postmodernism dogma, which many believe is the rescuer of the complexity of problems we are facing in this era.
Indeed, modernism’s tenets still prevail, shaping our ways of thinking, our ways of seeing things and our ways of creating policy.
The writer is chief-editor of Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and teaches English composition at Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta.
Kamis, 24 April 2008
Belajar dari Sejarah Ahmadiyah

Ini bermula dengan kedatangan Mirza Wali Ahmad Baig dan Maulana Ahmad ke Jogjakarta pada Maret 1924 menghadiri Kongres Ke-13 Muhammadiyah. Mereka dipersilakan berbicara dalam kesempatan tersebut. Pandangan mereka terhadap Jesus, yang dalam Islam disebut Nabi Isa, menarik perhatian hadirin.
Bagi penganut Ahmadiyah, Jesus setelah disalib tidak meninggal, tiga hari kemudian sadar dan bertemu dengan murid-muridnya. Dia kemudian pergi ke Srinagar, Kashmir, dan mengembangkan ajarannya di sana hingga meninggal pada usia 120 tahun.
Karena Jesus itu hanya manusia biasa, messias atau Al Masih yang disebutnya akan datang ke bumi tak lain dari Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Oleh Ahmadiyah aliran Lahore, dia dianggap mujadid (pembaru). Sedangkan aliran Qadiyan memosisikan dia sebagai nabi.
Ahmadiyah juga memiliki pandangan yang khas tentang jihad. Bagi mereka, jihad bersenjata memerangi musuh (orang kafir) tidaklah wajib kecuali untuk mempertahankan diri. Kelompok itu sebetulnya juga tidak tergolong ekstrem karena bersikap loyal kepada pemerintah yang berkuasa.
Tahun 1928, tokoh Muhammadiyah Raden Ngabehi HM. Djojosoegito, saudara sepupu dari Hasyim Asy’ari -kakek Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur)- dan Wahab Chasballah, mendirikan Ahmadiyah Indonesia. Hasyim Asy’ari dan Wahab Chasballah yang juga bersaudara sepupu adalah pendiri NU (Nahdlatul Ulama) tahun 1926.
Tahun 1930, pemerintah Hindia Belanda mengakui Ahmadiyah. Selain ketua Djojosoegito, terdapat nama Erfan Dahlan sebagai pengurus. Erfan Dahlan adalah putra H Achmad Dahlan (pendiri Muhammadiyah) yang belajar tentang Ahmadiyah di Lahore dan kemudian mengembangkan aliran tersebut di Thailand.
Selain Erfan Dahlan, ada beberapa pemuda lain yang juga belajar tentang Ahmadiyah di Lahore. Yang satu setelah kembali ke Indonesia bergabung dengan PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia). Yang lain, Maksum, keluar dari Muhammadiyah, bergabung dengan Persatuan Islam (Persis) yang dipimpin A. Hassan di Bandung.
Polemik Panjang
Seperti kita ketahui, polemik panjang mengenai ajaran Islam juga terjadi antara A. Hassan dan Soekarno. Maksum beberapa puluh tahun kemudian ikut gerakan DI/TII yang dipimpin Kahar Muzakar di Sulawesi Selatan.
Djojosoegito kemudian memindahkan kegiatannya ke Purwokerto dan di kota ini didirikan masjid pertama Ahmadiyah di Indonesia. Hubungan antara Ahmadiyah dan SI (Sarekat Islam) pada mulanya cukup erat.
Pemimpin SI, HOS Tjokroaminoto, menerbitkan tafsir Alquran pada 1930. Kata pengantar diberikan pimpinan Ahmadiyah di Lahore, India. Ketika ketepatan terjemahan kitab suci itu banyak dikritik, terutama dari kalangan Muhammadiyah, dukungan diberikan pimpinan Ahmadiyah.
Namun, hubungan Ahmadiyah dengan SI kemudian menjadi renggang karena sikap politik SI yang radikal terhadap penjajah Belanda. Sedangkan Ahmadiyah tetap loyal kepada pemerintah. HOS Tjokroaminoto yang menjadi mertua Soekarno, menurut KH Abdurrahman Wahid, sebetulnya juga saudara sepupu dari Hasyim Asy’ari dan Wahab Chasballah.
Kalau benar demikian, sebenarnya tokoh-tokoh NU, Muhammadiyah, SI, dan Ahmadiyah tersebut berasal dari rumpun keluarga yang sama. Kalau terjadi selisih paham sesama mereka, itu menjadi pertengkaran intern keluarga yang tidak akan menjadi konflik berdarah.
Pada 1925, Haji Rasul, ulama terkenal dari Sumatera Barat, ayahanda HAMKA, mengunjungi putrinya, Fatimah, yang menikah dengan A.R. Sutan Mansyur, pimpinan Muhammadiyah di Pekalongan. Dari Pekalongan, dia singgah di Jogja dan Solo serta bertemu dengan tokoh-tokoh Muhammadiyah dan Ahmadiyah. Terjadilah perdebatan seru. Haji Rasul mengatakan bahwa keyakinan Ahmadiyah itu menyimpang dari ajaran Islam.
Dalam kongres Muhammadiyah di Solo pada 1929, hubungan antara organisasi itu dan Ahmadiyah menjadi putus. Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah menyatakan bahwa barang siapa yang memercayai adanya nabi setelah Muhammad dianggap kafir, walaupun tidak eksplisit menyebut Ahmadiyah. Sebelumnya sudah ada larangan bagi warga Muhammadiyah untuk mendengarkan ceramah tentang ajaran Ahmadiyah.
Setelah 1929, Muhammadiyah sangat jarang mengeluarkan pernyataan yang memojokkan Ahmadiyah aliran Lahore. Ketika Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) mengeluarkan fatwa pada 1984, Muhammadiyah mendukung dan menganggap bahwa itu terutama menyangkut Ahmadiyah aliran Qadiyan.
Tak Berbahaya
Mengapa Muhammadiyah masih bersikap toleran terhadap Ahmadiyah aliran Lahore? Menurut Herman Beck, itu terjadi karena organisasi tersebut dianggap tidak berbahaya serta bukan kompetitor dalam bidang dakwah, sosial, dan pendidikan. Itulah sebabnya, selama puluhan tahun, Ahmadiyah tetap hidup berdampingan secara damai dengan Muhammadiyah dan organisasi Islam yang lain.
Menjadi pertanyaan saat bangsa Indonesia mengalami kesulitan ekonomi yang berkepanjangan, kesejahteraan rakyat tak kunjung terwujud, masyarakat didera kemiskinan, mengapa persoalan Ahmadiyah yang muncul ke permukaan? Untuk apa dan siapa yang menggerakkan semua ini?
Kalau diperhatikan, sejarah lahirnya organisasi-organisasi muslim di tanah air terlihat bahwa pendiri dan pengurus awal berbagai organisasi Islam itu sesungguhnya bersaudara. Oleh karena itu, sebaiknya masalah Ahmadiyah ini diselesaikan secara persaudaraan pula.
* Dr Asvi Warman Adam, sejarawan di LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) Jakarta
Selasa, 08 April 2008
Menjadi Presiden itu Mudah

Tentu, modus ”perebutan” tersebut berbeda antara dulu dan sekarang. Dulu,di samping berdasarkan keturunan, juga kekuatan perang. Sekarang ”perebutan”-nya dengan modus pemilihan umum yang demokratis. Keduanya sama-sama perebutan kekuasaan untuk menjadi raja atau presiden.Pemilu (atau pemilihan presiden) itu sejatinya perebutan kekuasaan juga, yakni perebutan kekuasaan secara sehat, adil (fair), beradab (civilized), dan berdasarkan aturan main (rule of the game) yang jelas.
Maka, biasanya harus disertai dengan etika yang tinggi, terutama etika politik sportif. Artinya, kalau kalah yaharus mengakui kalah. Kalau Ibn Khaldun menyatakan orang berkompetisi pada jabatan raja, sultan, atau khalifah (pasca- Khulafa al-Rasyidin) karena kedudukan ini dianggap akan memberikan kehormatan, kekayaan duniawi, dan kepuasan lahir batin yang luar biasa, maka Thomas Carlyle (1795- 1881) mengatakannya karena dorongan ingin menjadi orang besar yang membuat atau mengukir sejarah.
Ambisi ini bahkan kerap membuat orang tidak begitu peduli apakah akan terukir dengan tinta emas ataukah dengan tinta darah! Yang jelas, kata Carlyle,”The history of the world is but the biography of great men (sejarah dunia sejatinya hanyalah sejarahnya orang-orang besar)”.
Bohong besar kalau ada orang yang berani mengatakan bahwa ambisinya untuk menjadi presiden itu tanpa faktor dorongan kehormatan,kebesaran,dan kepuasan lahir batin itu.Noblesse oblige, kata sebuah ungkapan. Artinya, kekuasaan dan kehormatan membawa tanggung jawab atau pengabdian. Tak mengherankan jika banyak orang memimpikan kedudukan presiden. Jangankan politikus partai yang memang by nature pekerjaannya berburu kekuasaan,orang-orang yang selama ini suka mengaku bukan politikus pun tanpa tedeng aling-aling menyatakan keinginannya menjadi presiden.
Apalagi, menjelang Pemilihan Presiden 2009 seperti sekarang ini. Lihatlah, banyak benar orang yang akhir-akhir ini mematut-matut diri (Jawa: jinjit-jinjit) merasa bisa menjadi presiden. Pada masa Presiden Soeharto dulu, biasanya orang hanya ingin menjadi menteri alias pembantu presiden.
Tidak ada seorang pun tokoh politik (kecuali mungkin Dr Amien Rais) yang berani menyatakan kepada publik mengenai keinginannya menjadi presiden. Alasannya, seperti yang sering mereka nyatakan sendiri waktu itu, ialah merasa tidak mampu. Katanya, menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia yang sangat besar dan majemuk ini sangat berat. Tetapi belakangan pengakuan itu ternyata tidak sejati alias palsu belaka.
Ketidakinginan tersebut nyatanya lebih karena perasaan takut atau segan kepada Presiden Soeharto yang saat itu memang secara politik sangat kuat dan dikenal sebagai tidak pernah mau disaingi oleh siapa pun (Ingat pemeo tidak boleh ada matahari kembar). Lihat saja, begitu Presiden Soeharto lengser, orang-orang yang dulu menyatakan tidak mampu dan cuma ingin menjalankan tugas pengabdian semata tiba-tiba merasa bisa menjadi presiden!
Dengan tanpa malu-malu mereka mematut-matut diri merasa bisa menjadi presiden. Sangat meyakinkan, tampaknya mereka mulai jujur melihat bahwa dalam jabatan presiden tersembul aspek kehormatan, keagungan, dan keagungbinataraan, persis seperti kata Ibn Khaldun.Yang dibayangkan jika kelak menjadi presiden adalah iring-iringan mobil panjang dengan sirene meraung-raung di jalan yang terdiri atas mobil berpelat RI I,mobil pengawal,ambulans,mobil pemadam kebakaran,dan mobil-mobil lain yang senantiasa akan menyertai ke mana pun dia pergi.
Belum juga hak-hak keuangan dan protokolernya lainnya yang serbamegah itu. Di mana-mana, akan selalu disanjung-sanjung dan dipuja-puja.Wah, pokoknya aura kebesaran akan selalu mengelilinginya. Apalagi orang akhirnya mengerti bahwa menjadi presiden di negara demokrasi itu sejatinya memang hanya soal akseptabilitas (bisa terpilih atau tidak), bukan kapabilitas.
Menjadi presiden itu gampang, yang sulit adalah terpilihnya! Saya tidak begitu percaya dengan pendapat bahwa tugas, pekerjaan, dan tanggung jawab presiden itu sangat berat sehingga hanya orang luar biasa (Satrio Piningiti?) yang mampu menunaikannya. Apa sulit dan beratnya menjadi presiden? Berbeda dengan kerajaan di mana seorang raja memerintah dengan titah atau dekrit (rule by decrees).
Di negara demokrasi,seorang presiden atau perdana menteri memerintah atau menjalankan kekuasaan berdasarkan undang-undang (rule by laws). Undang-undang itu pun sebagian besar sudah tersedia semua. Jadi,aturan dan koridor-koridor untuk menjalankan pemerintahan sudah jelas! Bahkan juga para pembantu, penasihat, dan anggarannya, termasuk anggaran untuk dirinya!
Sehingga yang diperlukan oleh seorang presiden hanyalah pengetahuan terhadap semua undang-undang tersebut (dan semuanya ini bisa dibaca), kemudian menjalankannya dengan penuh ikhlas, tulus, dan lurus! Pertama,ikhlas,artinya menjalankan undang-undang tersebut tanpa pamrih.
Kedua, tulus artinya semata-mata bekerja untuk rakyat, bangsa, dan negara. Jangan pernah berpikir akan memperkaya diri dan keluarganya. Singkatnya, lebih baik dikatakan pelit oleh saudara atau temannya sendiri daripada melanggar undangundang. Ketiga, lurus, artinya patuh pada teks dan semangat undangundang serta tidak coba-coba menipu, melanggar, dan mencederai undangundang tersebut.
Betapa sangat sederhananya! Menjadi kompleks dan tidak sederhana karena tidak ikhlas, tidak tulus,dan tidak lurus! Walhasil, menjadi presiden itu mudah, yang berat dan sulit adalah untuk terpilih menjadi presiden. Kalau sudah terpilih dan menduduki jabatan presiden,rasanya tidak berat atau sulit-sulit amat.
Makanya,mereka yang berkeinginan menjadi presiden tidak perlu berkecil hati kalau disebut oleh orang-orang yang sinis sebagai rumangsa bisa(merasa bisa).Sebab, memang gampang menjadi presiden itu.Tidak perlu mematut-matut diri karena memang sebenarnya banyak orang yang patut dan bisa menjadi presiden.Yang sulit itu, sekali lagi, adalah terpilih menjadi presiden! Percayalah. (*)
Hajriyanto Y Thohari
Antropolog dan politisi Anggota Komisi I DPR
The organization of political parties at the grassroots
By Ulla Fionna
During Soeharto's 32-year-long New Order, Indonesian political parties were the most obvious example of manipulation of political participation. Not only were they under strict government control, they were also denied contact with grassroots society. Consequently, grassroots support was cut off from politics and the parties. Now that the reform era is a decade old, the parties have had time to manage their role and function as a political channel at the community level. A closer examination of how four major parties -- the Golkar Party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) -- operate at the local level in Malang municipality and regency revealed that management heavily depended on personnel and resources -- and that incumbent parties are not always more advanced than younger ones.
The situation in Malang, East Java, is likely not very different from the situation in other regions even at national level.
* Golkar Party (Soeharto established this party in the 1960s). In its local operation in Malang, it has superior resources among the four parties as the only one that can afford to own its offices and hire professional staff to handle daily administration.
At the municipality (kodya) level, its office has even been keeping a very tidy quarterly report, which details every activity held within the period, including photograph documentation and expenses all manually pasted and hand-typed into a large file.
Its office in the regency (kabupaten) also showed focus on recordkeeping by its well-kept election results since the 1970s, a remarkable achievement given the fact the office experienced a fire at one stage. The party's offices were always active during office hours, and its personnel was skilled to handle enquiries.
The chairmen of the party in the two regions, although having a primary job outside party leadership, attended their offices regularly. Activities were also held regularly, ranging from cadre meetings to dialogues with representatives from the local assembly.
Because of the frequent activities, members could interact with the party on a regular basis.
* PDI-P. Despite having strong grassroots sympathy for former president Megawati Soekarnoputri and her father, first president Sukarno, the PDI-P's local branch management was seriously lacking. Although its branch at the kabupaten level is always open during office hours, its city counterpart was padlocked most of the time.Its kabupaten administrators were salaried, but they were not office professionals as Golkar's; rather, they were cadres with just sufficient administrative skills to handle daily operations.
The kabupaten branch held more activities such as blood donation drives and free house renovation for members, and the cadres hang around in the office most days.
In contrast, the kodya staff were seriously behind in maintaining an electronic membership database, and were clueless about party activities and personnel.
* PAN. Its offices seriously suffered from bad management. Its kodya branch did not even have an office for a few months while searching for a new place to rent, and the cadres were occupying a small room at the local assembly's office. The constant removals have caused the branch to lose files and archives. The kabupaten office was housed at the residence of its secretary, who later was elected as the chairman.
The chairman ran the office as a one-man show, taking care of everything. These chaotic arrangements meant that regular activities were hard to organize.
For the kodya office, the few cadres who frequented the local assembly office were the ones who kept the party alive. They maintained the branch by holding leader election at one of their residences.
The erratic local management of the PAN has contributed to and perhaps worsened the problems of retaining members in the party. As the kabupaten chairman himself noted, members have been swayed by other parties such as the PKS.
*PKS. The PKS serves as evidence that a young party can demonstrate an advanced branch management. Its Malang branches were active and efficient, and its kabupaten office was the only branch that had an email address. Administered by its own cadres, the party benefited from a technology-savvy and committed young cadres who handled daily operations.
Although also having to constantly move like the PAN's branches, the branches were more efficient in looking for a new office in advance and thus the office activities were not interrupted.
Using Islam as the basis for its activities, the party held a wide variety of events ranging from long-marches, caricature demonstrations, an Islamic premarital advice session for young couples and an open house to attract new recruits for the party. Internally, the party also held frequent meetings and discussions. Promotion of the party was also held by flyer distribution in public places such as bus terminals.
Among the four parties, Golkar and the PKS were the most organized branches in Malang. The two parties were superior in branch management and consequently were more capable in holding frequent and a wider range of activities, as well. Contributing to the success of these parties were the factors of better resources for Golkar and more committed and skilled personnel for the PKS.
The other two parties, the PDI-P and the PAN, are at the other end of spectrum, with the former having an inactive branch and the latter's kodya office chaotic in its daily operations. However, the case of the PAN also strengthens the notion that personal commitment matters -- in this case the kabupaten leader's and the kodya cadres'.
Disparities in local party organization are evidence of the challenges that individual parties face in their local operation. They may differ in age and experience, but what matters is how they utilize their capacity. Lack of experience can be compensated by greater commitment in organizational capacity, as demonstrated by the PKS.
On the other hand, popularity and electoral success could contribute to a self-content attitude, such as shown by the PDI-P. Since grassroots politics are gaining more importance in Indonesia, local party organization will also play a more influential part in determining party influence in the local community. Thus, better organization could be the key to winning local support to boost electoral support in the coming elections.
The writer is completing her PhD in political science at the University of Sydney, and currently teaches at the University of Sydney and Macquarie University. She can be reached at
During Soeharto's 32-year-long New Order, Indonesian political parties were the most obvious example of manipulation of political participation. Not only were they under strict government control, they were also denied contact with grassroots society. Consequently, grassroots support was cut off from politics and the parties. Now that the reform era is a decade old, the parties have had time to manage their role and function as a political channel at the community level. A closer examination of how four major parties -- the Golkar Party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) -- operate at the local level in Malang municipality and regency revealed that management heavily depended on personnel and resources -- and that incumbent parties are not always more advanced than younger ones.
The situation in Malang, East Java, is likely not very different from the situation in other regions even at national level.
* Golkar Party (Soeharto established this party in the 1960s). In its local operation in Malang, it has superior resources among the four parties as the only one that can afford to own its offices and hire professional staff to handle daily administration.
At the municipality (kodya) level, its office has even been keeping a very tidy quarterly report, which details every activity held within the period, including photograph documentation and expenses all manually pasted and hand-typed into a large file.
Its office in the regency (kabupaten) also showed focus on recordkeeping by its well-kept election results since the 1970s, a remarkable achievement given the fact the office experienced a fire at one stage. The party's offices were always active during office hours, and its personnel was skilled to handle enquiries.
The chairmen of the party in the two regions, although having a primary job outside party leadership, attended their offices regularly. Activities were also held regularly, ranging from cadre meetings to dialogues with representatives from the local assembly.
Because of the frequent activities, members could interact with the party on a regular basis.
* PDI-P. Despite having strong grassroots sympathy for former president Megawati Soekarnoputri and her father, first president Sukarno, the PDI-P's local branch management was seriously lacking. Although its branch at the kabupaten level is always open during office hours, its city counterpart was padlocked most of the time.Its kabupaten administrators were salaried, but they were not office professionals as Golkar's; rather, they were cadres with just sufficient administrative skills to handle daily operations.
The kabupaten branch held more activities such as blood donation drives and free house renovation for members, and the cadres hang around in the office most days.
In contrast, the kodya staff were seriously behind in maintaining an electronic membership database, and were clueless about party activities and personnel.
* PAN. Its offices seriously suffered from bad management. Its kodya branch did not even have an office for a few months while searching for a new place to rent, and the cadres were occupying a small room at the local assembly's office. The constant removals have caused the branch to lose files and archives. The kabupaten office was housed at the residence of its secretary, who later was elected as the chairman.
The chairman ran the office as a one-man show, taking care of everything. These chaotic arrangements meant that regular activities were hard to organize.
For the kodya office, the few cadres who frequented the local assembly office were the ones who kept the party alive. They maintained the branch by holding leader election at one of their residences.
The erratic local management of the PAN has contributed to and perhaps worsened the problems of retaining members in the party. As the kabupaten chairman himself noted, members have been swayed by other parties such as the PKS.
*PKS. The PKS serves as evidence that a young party can demonstrate an advanced branch management. Its Malang branches were active and efficient, and its kabupaten office was the only branch that had an email address. Administered by its own cadres, the party benefited from a technology-savvy and committed young cadres who handled daily operations.
Although also having to constantly move like the PAN's branches, the branches were more efficient in looking for a new office in advance and thus the office activities were not interrupted.
Using Islam as the basis for its activities, the party held a wide variety of events ranging from long-marches, caricature demonstrations, an Islamic premarital advice session for young couples and an open house to attract new recruits for the party. Internally, the party also held frequent meetings and discussions. Promotion of the party was also held by flyer distribution in public places such as bus terminals.
Among the four parties, Golkar and the PKS were the most organized branches in Malang. The two parties were superior in branch management and consequently were more capable in holding frequent and a wider range of activities, as well. Contributing to the success of these parties were the factors of better resources for Golkar and more committed and skilled personnel for the PKS.
The other two parties, the PDI-P and the PAN, are at the other end of spectrum, with the former having an inactive branch and the latter's kodya office chaotic in its daily operations. However, the case of the PAN also strengthens the notion that personal commitment matters -- in this case the kabupaten leader's and the kodya cadres'.
Disparities in local party organization are evidence of the challenges that individual parties face in their local operation. They may differ in age and experience, but what matters is how they utilize their capacity. Lack of experience can be compensated by greater commitment in organizational capacity, as demonstrated by the PKS.
On the other hand, popularity and electoral success could contribute to a self-content attitude, such as shown by the PDI-P. Since grassroots politics are gaining more importance in Indonesia, local party organization will also play a more influential part in determining party influence in the local community. Thus, better organization could be the key to winning local support to boost electoral support in the coming elections.
The writer is completing her PhD in political science at the University of Sydney, and currently teaches at the University of Sydney and Macquarie University. She can be reached at
Tentang Film “Fitna”

Kecurigaan dan praduga negatif terhadap Islam sudah pasti ada dalam masyarakat Barat hingga saat ini. Sebagaimana praduga yang sama juga ada dalam Islam terhadap Kristen dan Barat. Tetapi, dalam pengamatan saya, kecenderungan masyarakat di Barat secara umum adalah justru mengarah kepada sikap yang makin positif terhadap kebudayaan-kebudayaan yang berbeda. Tentu, saya berbicara mengenai kecenderungan umum.
Insiden-insiden ke arah sebaliknya tentu ada, dan akan terus ada. Tetapi kalau kita lihat bentangan sejarah masyarakat Barat, perkembangan terakhir ini tentu jauh berbeda dengan sikap-sikap mereka seabad yang lalu, misalnya. Sekarang, masyarakat Barat sudah pelan-pelan mulai meninggalkan "euro-sentrisme" mereka, meskipun dalam beberapa hal mereka masih gagal. Jangan lupa, masyarakat Barat menempuh jalan yang berliku dan sulit sekali untuk mencapai keadaan seperti sekarang ini.
Saya sendiri melihat fenomena Wilders ini sebagai cerminan dari rasa tak aman berhadapan dengan serbuan budaya baru yang datang dari luar Eropa. Wilders antara lain mengatakan bahwa masyarakat Eropa harus mempertahankan budaya pencerahan, dan menolak serbuan ideologi Islam dan Islamisme. Pendapat dia ini, hingga tingkat tertentu, ada benarnya. Kita harus bedakan antara Islamisme dan Islam. Islamisme mungkin bertentangan secara diametral dengan budaya pencerahan. Tetapi, Islam, saya rasa, tidak, meskipun tidak seluruhnya ada kesejajaran antara keduanya. Saya percaya bahwa Islam bisa menampung nilai-nilai pencerahan Eropa. Jangan dilupakan pula, bahwa sejarah pencerahan Eropa tak terpisahkan dari Islam pula. Beberapa gagasan para pemikir Muslim menjadi ilham bagi para humanis Eropa pada abad 16 dan 17.
Di segi yang lain, Wilders ini juga cerminan dari "religious illiteracy" yang ada dalam masyarakat Barat saat ini. Karena sekularisasi yang berlangsung lama, masyarakat Barat tidak mendapatkan pendidikan dan informasi yang cukup tentang kekayaan tradisi agama-agama besar dunia. Saat mereka membaca suatu Kitab Suci yang mengandung ajaran-ajaran yang bertentangan dengan rasionalisme, mereka langsung kaget bukan main. Ini yang menjelaskan pernyataan Wilders yang sangat keras tentang Islam. Semua Kitab Suci agama mengandung sejumlah statemen yang bermasalah dilihat dari sensibilitas modern, jika dipahami secara harafiah.
Wilders sebetulnya berdiri pada sisi yang sama dengan kaum fundamentalis di mana-mana: yakni memahami teks agama lepas dari konteksnya, dan mengabaikan kerumitan sejarah penafsiran teks agama. Beda Wilders dengan kaum fundamentalis hanya satu: sementara Wilders mengutuk teks agama itu, kaum fundamentalis memeluknya erat-erat selama 24 jam.
Oleh Ulil Abshar-Abdalla
Politik Pangan Yusuf

Jika pengetahuan adalah kekuasaan, kegagalan orang pintar di istana pertanda melemahnya pamor penguasa. Ketika statistik dan institusi resmi tidak mampu mengantisipasi datangnya krisis pangan, mimpi menerobos birokrasi istana. Ketika bawahan selalu datang membawa laporan asal raja senang, mimpi adalah peringatan dari atas. Penguasa segala penguasa mengingatkan datangnya bencana.
Politik antisipasi
Ketika istana tak berdaya, seorang pegawai teringat pengalamannya saat di penjara. Seorang pemuda, sesama tahanan, mampu menafsir mimpinya. Namanya direkomendasikan. firaun setuju. Dan, Yusuf dikeluarkan dari penjara. Ia menjelaskan, Allah sedang memberi isyarat untuk sesuatu yang akan terjadi dalam waktu dekat.
Tujuh sapi gemuk dan tujuh bulir gandum yang berisi melambangkan tujuh tahun kemakmuran di seluruh Mesir. Tujuh sapi kurus dan tujuh bulir gandum yang kurus melambangkan tujuh tahun paceklik setelah masa kemakmuran. Tafsir mimpi itu melawan alam Mesir. Sungai Nil tiap tahun membanjiri tepinya sehingga tanah di sekitarnya berlumpur dan subur untuk ditanami. Nil adalah simbol kesuburan Mesir.
Tidak hanya tafsir, Yusuf juga memberi solusi. Untuk mengantisipasi krisis pangan, harus segera dipilih seorang yang cerdas dan bijaksana. Ia diberi wewenang luas untuk menjamin ketersediaan pangan. Juga harus ada pegawai-pegawai untuk mengumpulkan seperlima dari kelebihan panen gandum selama tujuh tahun kemakmuran untuk memperkuat stok pangan nasional.
Ternyata firaun berkenan dengan tafsir mimpi itu. Ia langsung menunjuk Yusuf sebagai orang kedua di negeri adidaya itu dengan tugas khusus mengamankan stok pangan nasional. Usianya baru 30 tahun, tetapi sosoknya dipandang cerdas dan bijaksana. Segera Yusuf mengelilingi negeri. Ladang-ladang didorong meningkatkan produksinya selama tujuh tahun kemakmuran.
Negara membeli surplus gandum untuk meningkatkan stok nasional guna mengantisipasi tujuh tahun paceklik. Surplus produksi di daerah sekitar kota dikumpulkan dan disimpan di kota itu. Maka, banyak (kota) sentra stok pangan tersebar di seluruh negeri guna memperpendek jalur distribusi. Orang lapar akan segera mati jika tidak segera mendapat bantuan makanan. Sentra-sentra stok pangan dijaga ketat agar tidak dicuri atau dijarah. Akhirnya, Mesir selamat dari kelaparan, bahkan mampu menolong negeri lain.
Batu uji politik
Politik pangan adalah batu uji keberhasilan penguasa. Jaminan ketersediaan murah erat hubungannya dengan stabilitas politik. Penguasa bijak menjadikan masalah pangan sebagai prioritas. Maka, negara maju memberi subsidi kepada petani dan menjamin pembelian hasil tani dengan harga pantas.
Dunia tengah memasuki krisis pangan global. Tidak perlu isyarat mimpi lagi. Masa-masa kemakmuran hampir berakhir. Ketika negara-negara berkembang dan miskin berkonsentrasi menangani kemiskinan dalam kerangka Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (MDGs) untuk tahun 2015, kelaparan dan malnutrisi yang terlupakan dari MDGs kini menyergap.
Secara keseluruhan harga-harga komoditas pangan naik 75 persen, kian tak terjangkau rakyat miskin. Menurut laporan yang dipublikasikan Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian PBB (FAO) Februari lalu, Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari 36 negara yang mengalami krisis pangan. Korban krisis pangan berjatuhan di Indonesia. Kualitas makanan untuk rakyat kecil menurun.
Negara-negara produsen utama beras mulai menghentikan ekspor. Surplus untuk meningkatkan stok nasional masing-masing dan menekan laju inflasi di dalam negeri.
Daripada untuk mengimpor beras, cadangan devisa yang ada sebaiknya digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan potensi pertanian rakyat, memberantas penyelundupan pupuk bersubsidi, mencegah lahan pertanian beralih fungsi, meningkatkan harga gabah di tingkat petani, menyejahterakan petani, dan meningkatkan kualitas beras untuk orang miskin.
India yang jumlah penduduknya melebih Indonesia selama 10 tahun terakhir bisa untuk tidak mengimpor beras. Negara yang produk domestik brutonya di bawah Indonesia dan penduduknya empat kali lebih banyak ini tidak termasuk sembilan negara di Asia yang mengalami krisis pangan. India sempat mengenakan bea masuk beras hingga 70 persen dan baru kini menurunkan bea masuk beras menjadi nol persen.
Sebagai salah satu negara yang populasinya besar dengan beras sebagai bahan makanan pokok, daulat pangan tidak boleh ditawar-tawar. Krisis pangan global bisa menjadi momentum pemerintah untuk mengubah posisi Indonesia dari salah satu importir beras terbesar menjadi swasembada. Stop kebijakan pangan yang lebih memakmurkan petani di negeri orang.
Untuk itu, politik pangan harus all out. Singkirkan pejabat yang mengurusi pangan dengan mental pedagang. Percuma peningkatan cadangan devisa nasional jika sebagian besar rakyat tidak mampu membeli beras dan terpaksa makan nasi aking. Indonesia membutuhkan Yusuf-yusuf di tingkat pusat hingga daerah.
Menghadapi perubahan iklim global dan potensi gagal panen, pemerintah tidak boleh santai. Lebih mendesak kehadiran seorang menteri pangan dengan wewenang dan kapasitas seperti Yusuf daripada wakil menlu. Atau, fungsi Bulog dievaluasi, difokuskan, dan diperluas sebagai yang juga bertanggung jawab atas kedaulatan pangan di dalam negeri.
Yonky Karman: Pengajar di Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jakarta
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